Spring 2025 Play Book


Special Accommodations/ADA Compliance The Oswegoland Park District welcomes the opportunity to assist patrons with disabilities to enjoy all of our facilities, programs, and services. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you or a family member have special needs and would like to participate in a program or event, please indicate on the registra tion form any accommodations you may need. If you register online or plan to attend a program or event that does not require registra tion, you must contact the Park District at 630.554.1010 so staff may process your request. The Oswegoland Park District is a member of the Fox Valley Special Recreation Association (FVSRA) and works collaboratively to provide reasonable accommodations for patrons with disabilities which can include: observations, staff training, additional personnel, and adap tive equipment. In order to facilitate the coordination of services, re quests for inclusion should be made a minimum of two weeks before the start date of any program or event. For more information about FVSRA and to see the programs they offer, visit their website at fvsra.org. Questions regarding accom modating individuals with disabilities may also be directed to Cori Veverka at 630.554.4433 or cveverka@oswegolandpd.org. Life-Threatening Allergies Children with life-threatening allergies may be at risk of a serious allergic reaction while participating in a Park District program due to contact with, or ingestion of the allergen. The Oswegoland Park Dis trict cannot guarantee an allergen free environment, but with the co operation of parents we can create a safer environment and be better prepared to handle emergencies. If your child has a life-threatening allergy, please contact the Oswegoland Park District at 630.554.1010 within 24 hours of your registration so we can communicate with you concerning your child’s experience. Financial Assistance The Oswegoland Park District Board of Commissioners believes that all residents should be able to participate in recreation classes, regardless of ability to pay. Financial assistance is available through a generous donation from the Oswegoland Park Foundation. If you or your child would like to participate in a class, please stop by any office to arrange for a payment plan or call Cristin Handlon at 630.554.4064 to apply for a scholarship. Non-Resident Registration Residents living within the Oswegoland Park District support park district facilities and programs through property taxes. The Oswego land Park District has established a non-resident registration system to allow taxpayers first choice in signing up for programs, and a fee system that allows non-residents to pay a share in the overall financ ing of the district. The additional non-resident fee will not be pro rated. Non-resident rates are listed with the program fee information. Insurance Information Participants in Oswegoland Park District activities are not covered by any health or accident insurance. Please be sure that your personal or family policy is adequate for your needs.

Staff Directory Program Supervisors: Programs in this catalog have initials after the descriptions to indicate the supervisor in charge of that program. Email Addresses: Staff email addresses are the first letter of their first name and their last name @oswegolandpd.org. For example, Joe Smith would be jsmith@oswegolandpd.org. Athletics Alec Dudley, Athletics Supervisor.........................................630.554.4479 Meghan Petrella, Athletics Supervisor.................................630.554.4490 Paige Tully, Recreation Manager...........................................630.554.4452 Aquatics Erik Enslen, Aquatics Supervisor...........................................630.554.4467 Carly Hontanon, Aquatic Coordinator.................................630.554.4466 Dance Rockie Veverka, Dance Supervisor.......................................630.554.4478 Fitness Sara Mulacek, Fitness Supervisor.........................................630.554.4462 Gymnastics Jen McFall, Recreation Manager...........................................630.554.4061 Brieanne Tingley, Gymnastic Coordinator..........................630.554.4456 Little White School Museum Joe Noce, Museum Coordinator...........................................630.554.4494 Special Events & Cultural Arts Zack Donati, Recreation Manager.........................................630.554.4482 Jaclyn Eidukas, Events Supervisor........................................630.554.4441 Eric Schad, Events Coordinator.............................................630.554.4479 Golf Course Lou Ramadani, General Manager.........................................630.554.4271 Bob Kohlstedt, Superintendent.............................................630.554.4109 Recreation Administrative Staff Kristie Vest, Director of Recreation ......................................630.554.4425 Abbie Frederick, Superintendent of Recreation................630.554.4480 Athletics, Aquatics, Special Events & Cultural Arts Cori Veverka, Superintendent of Recreation......................630.554.4433 Early Childhood, Dance, Fitness, Gymnastics Administrative Staff Cindy Benson, Executive Secretary......................................630.554.4461 Tom Betsinger, Executive Director.......................................630.554.4460 Chad Feldotto, Director of Parks & Planning......................630.554.4428 Laura Finch, Director of Marketing & Customer Service....630.554.4498 Tina Ward, Director of Finance..............................................630.554.4422 Keith Zalewski, Superintendent of Human Resources .....630.554.4430

Contact information for staff members not listed above can be found at oswegolandparkdistrict.org or by calling 630.554.1010.

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